Thrilled to be able to offer my documentary "Finding Edge Road" to the world

Thrilled to be able to offer my documentary "Finding Edge Road" to the world

Thrilled to be able to offer my documentary #FindingEdgeRoad for the world to rent. 
“Finding Edge Road” shows how immigration is changing and challenging a small city in Finland. It explores how the city of Lieksa in Eastern Finland near the Russian border is dealing with a recent influx of new asylum seekers from Somalia and Iraq. The newcomers have moved to vacant council flats on a street called “Edge Road.” Finding Edge Road has aired on CBC's Documentary channel. 

We made the newspaper #IPWDaily at #IPW18!

We made the newspaper #IPWDaily at #IPW18!

We made the newspaper #IPWDaily at #IPW18! It's been an incredible experience here in Denver. It's my fourth IPW and I'm having loads of fun networking and being pitched stories for my new travel TV series  #SeeingtheUSA which will air on #PBS! IPW is the travel industry's premier international marketplace and the largest generator of travel to the U.S. This year it was in Denver, Colorado. 

Brandy Yanchyk's travel series "Seeing Canada" to air on PBS channel Create® TV!

Brandy Yanchyk's travel series "Seeing Canada" to air on PBS channel Create® TV!

I am thrilled to announce that starting in July 2018 my travel series Seeing Canada will be airing on PBS channel Create® TV.

Create® TV reaches 46 million viewers nationwide in the USA. The channel is produced and distributed by APT, WNET New York and WGBH Boston in association with NETA and PBS.

Right now Seeing Canada has reached over 11 million viewers on 20 PBS stations. It has also reached more than 11 million viewers in Canada on CPAC

"Create TV was launched in 2006 to serve viewers’ increasing interest in these “do-it-yourself” programs. Create was designed for around-the-clock* broadcast of the most popular lifestyle and how-to programming seen on public television – where lifestyle programming got its start!"

"Dino Trails" sold by Flame Media to 1HDTV in Russia!

"Dino Trails" sold by Flame Media to 1HDTV in Russia!

Thank you to my distributor Flame Media for selling my documentary series Dino Trails to 1HDTV in Russia

Series Synopsis

Dino Trails – The Dino Trails series reveals the latest dinosaur discoveries in Canada that are making headlines around the world and explains why these locations are famous.

Episodic Synopsis: 

Episode 1 - The Dinosaur Expert - 11:07

Meet world-famous paleontologist Philip J. Currie and learn how he is inspiring the next generation of fossil hunters in Dinosaur Provincial Park.

Episode 2 - The Royal Tyrrell Museum - 11:07

Journey to the Royal Tyrrell Museum, where its collections are devoted to paleontology, and meet the dinosaur enthusiasts and paleontologists behind new fossil discoveries.

Episode 3 - The Fossil Hunter - 11:07

Roam the wilds of southern Alberta with Wendy Sloboda, fossil hunter extraordinaire! Discover her methods and meet her greatest find, the Wendiceratops, in the Royal Ontario Museum.

Episode 4 - Northern Alberta's Dinosaur Discoveries - 12:40

Discover dinosaur footprints in a coal mine in Grande Cache and meet the Pachyrhinosaurus in Grande Prairie. Learn northern Alberta’s fossil history at the new Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum.

Episode 5 - British Columbia's Dinosaur Frontier - 12:40

Journey to northern British Columbia to discover dinosaur footprints at the Six Peaks Dinosaur Track Site and see how new fossils are being uncovered in Tumbler Ridge.

"The Dinosaur Echo" sold by Flame Media to Axess TV in Sweden, HRT Croatian Television & VIASAT WORLD!

"The Dinosaur Echo" sold by Flame Media to Axess TV in Sweden,  HRT Croatian Television & VIASAT WORLD!

Thank you to my distributor Flame Media for selling my documentary The Dinosaur Echo to HRT Croatian TelevisionAxess TV in Sweden, VIASAT WORLD.

The Dinosaur Echo is a documentary about the renaissance of paleontology in Canada today and what dinosaurs can teach us about climate change. The film introduces us to a new generation of paleontolgists who are making extraordinary dinosaur discoveries in Alberta and British Columbia in Canada.

"The Price of the Prize" sold to SBS for NITV Australia

"The Price of the Prize" sold to SBS for NITV Australia

Thank you to my distributor Film Option for selling my documentary The Price of the Prize to SBS for NITV Australia

"The Price of the Prize" is a new documentary about the First Nations fight to end grizzly bear trophy hunting in the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia. The film follows the Heiltsuk, Kitasoo Xais'xais and Gitga'at First Nations as they enforce their ban on trophy hunting through the presence of Coastal Guardian Watchmen. "The Price of the Prize" gives the viewer unique access to Canada's First Nations and provides the audience with a breathtaking view of many majestic animals that live in the Great Bear Rainforest.