#SeeingtheUSA with Brandy Yanchyk is now available to rent on #Vimeo On Demand.

 #SeeingtheUSA with Brandy Yanchyk is now available to rent on #Vimeo On Demand.

Brandy Yanchyk's new #travel series #SeeingtheUSA is now available to rent on #Vimeo On Demand. You can watch individual episodes for $1.99US each or the two episodes for $4.99.
Seeing the USA started airing on public TV stations in the USA including #PBS on April 6th, 2019. Currently there are two episodes available to watch, one show on #Alaska and one episode on #Oregon. Check your television listings to see when “Seeing the USA” is airing in your area.

Season two of Brandy Yanchyk's "Seeing Canada" will start airing on US public TV stations on June 22, 2019

Season two of Brandy Yanchyk's "Seeing Canada" will start airing on US public TV stations on June 22, 2019

Season two of Brandy Yanchyk’s travel series “Seeing Canada” season will start airing on public TV stations in the USA on June 22, 2019. This includes Create® TV which reaches 46 million viewers nationwide in the USA. Create® TV is produced and distributed by APT, WNET New York and WGBH Boston in association with NETA and PBS.

#Dino Trails season two films at #DinoZuul at the Royal Ontario Museum!

#Dino Trails season two films at #DinoZuul at the Royal Ontario Museum!

We are so excited to start filming the second season of Brandy Yanchyk’s #documentary series #DinoTrails. This week we filmed the new dinosaur #DinoZuul with palaeontologists Victoria Arbour and David Evans at the Royal Ontario Museum. It was incredible.

You can watch the first season of #DinoTrails here for free: http://tinyurl.com/ztzfmmj

#DinoTrails season two is a TELUS Original Documentary series. Dino Trails is Produced with the support of #TELUS and is available for free on demand on TELUS Optik TV.

#STORYHIVE #telusoriginals #canada