Brandy Yanchyk attends #WCSFP22 in Glasgow, Scotland!

Brandy Yanchyk attends #WCSFP22 in Glasgow, Scotland!

Thank you to the World Congress of Science & Factual Producers for another great networking event.

This year’s conference in Glasgow was so inspiring.

Climate change, how we tell that story, how we want the world to be in 2030 and where the money is for programming were themes Brandy Yanchyk was particularly interested in at the conference.

Thank you so much Edmonton Screen Industries Office for giving Brandy Yanchyk a Market and Event Access Grant to come Glasgow to learn and pitch her films.

World Congress of Science and Factual Producers (WCSFP) is a member-driven organization formed by science and factual producers, broadcasters and content providers from around the world.

Each year, members gather for an annual conference in a different country to connect with colleagues through meetings and social events, learn about new industry trends as well as celebrate and be inspired by the smart content we produce and distribute.

#WCSFP22 #SmartContentMatters #Glasgow #filmmaker #documentary
VisitScotland Brandy Y Productions

Brandy Yanchyk attends the RCGS 2022 Fellows Annual Dinner in Ottawa

Brandy Yanchyk attends the RCGS 2022 Fellows Annual Dinner in Ottawa

What a fun night filled with fascinating people.

I even took a selfie with former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien who helped to create many national parks in Canada.

I also had a chance to chat and be inspired by so many Royal Canadian Geographical Society Fellows.

I’m so happy I travelled to Ottawa for the #RCGS 2022 Fellows Annual Dinner at the Canadian War Museum. Thank you to the organizers.

#RCGS22 Seeing Canada

#RCGS Fellow

Brandy Yanchyk makes film for ITN Business about Forest Carbon Offsets for #COP27

Brandy Yanchyk makes film for ITN Business about Forest Carbon Offsets for #COP27

For the last week Journalist Brandy Yanchyk has been reporting and field producing on a short film called “A New Climate” for ITN Business.

Brandy’s team filmed trainees from 5 different Métis settlements in northern Alberta who are part of a forest carbon inventory training programme developed by Anew.
It is airing on the New Scientist and International Emissions Trading Association websites and was created just in time for the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, also known as #COP27.

ITN Business writes: “One week since we were filming in Alberta, Canada with Anew. We learned how Canada are working toward achieving its commitment to Net Zero emissions by 2050 through land management approaches, working with several Métis communities who are leading the way by developing Forest carbon Offset projects within their settlement lands. Brandy Yanchyk spoke with Martin Baker, Senior Director, Natural Climate Solutions at Anew, Scott Cardinal, Kikino Métis Settlement Councillor and Taylor Gladue, a trainee from the Elizabeth Métis Settlement, to find out more.
'Net Zero: The Integrity Pathway' will be available to watch on the International Emissions Trading Association website tomorrow, and will also be featured on the New Scientist website.
ITN Business Producer: Pamela Emerson.”
#TheIntegrityPathway #NetZero #ITNBusiness ICROA
#AnewClimate #climatechange #alberta

Brandy Yanchyk films in Ottawa for "Seeing Canada" season four!

Brandy Yanchyk films in Ottawa for "Seeing Canada" season four!

Last week journalist Brandy Yanchyk filmed at Mādahòkì Farm in Ottawa! It is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin people.

Mādahòkì Farm focuses on Indigenous tourism experiences and Brandy Yanchyk learned about the Ojibway Spirit Horses and how to make a corn husk doll from Maggie Downer.

Brandy can’t wait to share this story with you in “Seeing Canada” season four. It will start airing on PBS stations in July 2023 just in time for Canada Day!

Thank you to all our viewers for their continued support.

#SeeingCanada #MyOttawa

Brandy Yanchyk attends #SATWBOGOTA convention in Colombia!

Brandy Yanchyk attends #SATWBOGOTA convention in Colombia!

Travel Journalist, Brandy Yanchyk, had sixteen speed pitching appointments at the SATW 2022 Annual Convention in Bogotá, Colombia.

She is meeting with tourism destinations looking for new stories to make more TV travel series about.

There are 262 attendees including associates, digital publishers, freelancers and editors attending the SATW convention in Bogota, Colombia.

SATW is a professional organization comprised of the travel industry’s most experienced journalists, photographers, editors, broadcast/video/film producers, bloggers, website owners, public relations experts and hospitality industry representatives from the United States, Canada and beyond.

#satw #seeyouinbogota #SATWBOGOTA


Brandy Yanchyk's new documentary about the healing power of food

Brandy Yanchyk's new documentary about the healing power of food

Filmmaker Brandy Yanchyk has a new documentary she is producing, co-writing and co-directing with Tammara Soma Ph.D.

It's about the healing power of food and it will air on CBC next summer.

Here's some behind the scenes photos from their filming in Lake Louise, Calgary and Exshaw in Alberta this summer.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Right now the working title is "Sustaining Food".

This is Brandy Yanchyk’s second film project with Dr. Tammara Soma.

Dr. Tammara Soma is an award-winning food scholar, educator, a mother of three children and a Muslim Canadian woman born in West Java Indonesia. She is an Assistant Professor who teaches food systems planning and the Research Director of the Food Systems Lab at the School of Resource andEnvironmental Management at Simon Fraser University. The Food Systems Lab is widely recognized for being an innovative women led research lab in Canada. She is also a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and is the first and only hijabi Professor at Simon Fraser University.


   Brandy Yanchyk is in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia attending the   Travel Media Association of Canada  annual conference which includes leaders in travel media and the travel industry.  During the conference Brandy will meet with tourism departme

Brandy Yanchyk is in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia attending the Travel Media Association of Canada annual conference which includes leaders in travel media and the travel industry.

During the conference Brandy will meet with tourism departments and PR agencies who will introduce her to travel stories in their regions. These pitches will hopefully come to fruition in new episodes of Brandy’s travel series “Seeing Canada” and “Seeing the USA”.

It was so wonderful when the famous Bluenose II greeted us in Yarmouth.

“Bluenose came to symbolize Nova Scotia's prominence in the fishing and shipbuilding industries. She represented Canada around the world. In 1933, Bluenose appeared at the Century of Progress World's Fair in Chicago, and sailed to England's Silver Jubilee of King George V in 1935.”

#SeeingCanada #TMACYAS #TMACTravel


   Exploring Canada is one of my favourite things to do. Join me on my journey.  Starting at 2pm EST on Canada Day  CPAC - Cable Public Affairs Channel  will be doing a  Seeing Canada  Marathon and you'll be able to see six new episodes of m

Exploring Canada is one of my favourite things to do. Join me on my journey.

Starting at 2pm EST on Canada Day CPAC - Cable Public Affairs Channel will be doing a Seeing Canada Marathon and you'll be able to see six new episodes of my travel documentary series from season three!

You can find the episode descriptions here:

I now have 18 episodes that are airing on CPAC and PBS stations.

I am working on season four now.

You can always watch seasons one and two on Amazon Prime Video too.

Thank you for all your love and support!
