"The Dinosaur Echo" sold by Flame Media to Axess TV in Sweden, HRT Croatian Television & VIASAT WORLD!

"The Dinosaur Echo" sold by Flame Media to Axess TV in Sweden,  HRT Croatian Television & VIASAT WORLD!

Thank you to my distributor Flame Media for selling my documentary The Dinosaur Echo to HRT Croatian TelevisionAxess TV in Sweden, VIASAT WORLD.

The Dinosaur Echo is a documentary about the renaissance of paleontology in Canada today and what dinosaurs can teach us about climate change. The film introduces us to a new generation of paleontolgists who are making extraordinary dinosaur discoveries in Alberta and British Columbia in Canada.

"The Price of the Prize" sold to SBS for NITV Australia

"The Price of the Prize" sold to SBS for NITV Australia

Thank you to my distributor Film Option for selling my documentary The Price of the Prize to SBS for NITV Australia

"The Price of the Prize" is a new documentary about the First Nations fight to end grizzly bear trophy hunting in the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia. The film follows the Heiltsuk, Kitasoo Xais'xais and Gitga'at First Nations as they enforce their ban on trophy hunting through the presence of Coastal Guardian Watchmen. "The Price of the Prize" gives the viewer unique access to Canada's First Nations and provides the audience with a breathtaking view of many majestic animals that live in the Great Bear Rainforest.